Using a combination of stirp and hot wax
Chest and ABS wax including collar bone, using a mix of strip and hot wax
Nape of neck wax using hot wax
Lower back wax
Upper back wax including shoulders
Shoulders wax
Full back and shoulders including upper arms to t-shirt level, using hot and strip wax
Underarm wax using hot wax
Full arm wax including hands
Upper am wax from elbow to top of shoulders
Forearm wax from elbow down including hands
Full leg wax including feet
Upper leg wax
Using hot wax
Buttocks wax, cheeks and crack
All hair removed from the front only, penis , scrotum and pubic mound
Hair removed from penis, scrotum, butt crack and buttocks. Hair left on pubic mound
Everything off, pubic mound, penis , scrotum, butt crack and buttocks
Full back including shoulders, scrotum and butt crack
Save time and money with our great value waxing combos
Full back including shoulders, chest and ABS
Buttocks (cheeks and crack) Full back and shoulders
Full back and shoulder with brazilian wax
Full back and shoulders, full chest and abs with brazilian wax
Full leg including feet and toes with brazilian wax
Full Body includes full arms including hands, full legs including toes, full chest and abs ,full back, underarms, ear, eyebrow and nose
Full Body from top to toe